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Summary Held for 2014 Standardization Management &2015Projections;

Source: Updated:2015-07-17 Views:11

On the 2nd March 2015, Xinnong Xianju Factory held the 2014 standardization management summary meeting, which was the first staff plenary meeting this year. The purpose of the meeting was to review and summarize the company’s safety, environmental and standardization management in 2014, also to commend the “teams free of violation, hidden danger and accident”, as well as advanced individual performers. Meanwhile the safety, environmental and standardization management objective together with the safeguard measures for 2015 are pinpointed. 
There were 5 items set for discussion at the meeting. The Safety & Environmental Dept gave an accident analysis of 2014 and introduced ideas and focuses of work for 2015; Production Management Dept reviewed and summarized the performance of the 2014 standardization management, also gave an introduction to the ideas and focuses of work for 2015.
At the meeting a total of 5 “teams free of violation, hidden danger and accident” and 23 advanced individual performers were selected and commended at the meeting according to the results of appraisal and their performance of standardization process. 3 excellent performers were invited to give a speech to share their experiences.
Finally the Vice General Manager Zhang Jianrong gave a wrap-up, saying that in 2015 everyone should be “strict, conscious and serious to begin from oneself” to treat work safety as an important priority over all other jobs.
It is requested at the meeting that all staffs should carry out the requirement set forth at the meeting within the context of their work positions and to work consciously and seriously, thus to ensure the achievement of the“4 assurances”. 
